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RTI at digital embedded world 2021

Agentur Lorenzoni News Aktueller Artikel

Veröffentlicht von Sabrina Hausner

Two conference sessions and a virtual company presence

RTI Connext Databus
RTI Connext DDS: The data-centric software framework distributes and manages real-time data.

Real-Time Innovations (RTI) will be part of digital embedded world 2021:

  • March 1-5
  • two conference sessions
  • virtual company presence at the exhibition

RTI will present its software framework for autonomous systems, which also acts transport agnostic in the context of industrial automation. The company will also showcase Connext Drive, the Automotive-grade connectivity solution.

RTI Connext DDS 

The data-centric software framework RTI Connext DDS is based on the Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard and supports the development, deployment and management of autonomous systems. Across platforms and systems, the framework manages complex data distribution for real-time, scalable connectivity. RTI Connext DDS enables optimized data processing, easier system integration, enhanced performance, simplified data recording, security and platform support.

When used in industrial automation, Connext DDS acts transport agnostic. For example, it provides the ability to integrate OPC UA into DDS systems, and run DDS with the emerging IEEE TSN set of standards.

RTI Connext Drive 

Connext Drive offers automakers the software they need to operate in diverse real-time environments, interoperate with other systems within the vehicle or with off-vehicle systems. It also helps to evolve systems over time, and build in top security.

Connext Drive is the only technology that is able to bridge the full spectrum of automotive ecosystems, including AUTOSAR Classic, AUTOSAR Adaptive and ROS2, letting OEMs work with the standard or standards that best meets their needs at different points in the innovation cycle.

RTI’s Conference presentations

1 March, 11:00 – 11:30 am

  • Session 1.1 – IoT Architectures & Platforms
  • “The automotive Paradigm Shift: Connectivity at the Core”
  • With Pedro López Estepa, Director Automotive at RTI

1 March, 12:00 – 12:30 am

  • Session 1.1 – IoT Architectures & Platforms
  • “Architecting Scalable Real-Time Systems With Embedded Devices: Connecting the Edge to the Could”
  • With Thijs Brouwer, Field Application Engineer at RTI

More about the programme and registration for embedded world Conference.

Über Real-Time Innovations (RTI), Inc.


Real-Time Innovations is the largest software framework provider for smart machines and real-world systems. The company’s RTI Connext® product enables intelligent architecture by sharing information in real time, making large applications work together as one. With over 1,500 deployments, RTI software runs the largest power plants in North America, connects perception to control in vehicles, coordinates combat management on US Navy ships, drives a new generation of medical robotics, controls hyperloop and flying cars, and provides 24/7 medical intelligence for hospital patients and emergency victims.

RTI is the best in the world at connecting intelligent, distributed systems. These systems improve medical care, make our roads safer, improve energy use, and protect our freedom. RTI is the leading vendor of products compliant with the Object Management Group® (OMG) Data Distribution Service™ (DDS) standard. RTI is privately held and headquartered in Sunnyvale, California with regional headquarters in Spain and Singapore.


Über uns

Klarheit, Kooperation und Können – das sind unsere Zutaten für Kompetenz: Klare und ehrliche Kommunikation, kooperative und partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit sowie ein kreatives und umsetzungsstarkes Team, das Dinge mit der Kundenbrille betrachtet. Genau das wissen unsere langjährigen Kunden zu schätzen.


Agentur Lorenzoni GmbH
Landshuter Straße 29
85435 Erding
Tel.: +49 8122 55917-0
Fax: +49 8122 55917-29
eMail: pr@lorenzoni.de

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