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FBDI Environment ticker: New EU Packaging Regulation

Agentur Lorenzoni News Aktueller Artikel

Veröffentlicht von Beate Lorenzoni

Less packaging waste, better recycling to protect the environment

The only formal steps still to be taken to bring the EU Packaging Regulation into force are adoption by the EU Council and publication in the EU Official Journal. Twenty days after this date, it will come into force in all EU member states. From this date, the economic operators concerned will have a transitional period of 18 months to implement their packaging obligations. Agreement on the text of the packaging regulation was reached in the trialogue procedure on 15 March this year and approved by the EU Parliament on 24 April this year.


As FBDi points out, the EU Packaging Regulation sets out various product requirements for packaging, including the restriction of hazardous substances, recyclability, minimum recycled content in plastic packaging, compostability and reusability requirements. The measures cover the entire life cycle of packaging, with certain packaging to be restricted and others made of plastic to be banned from 1st of January 2030. Outer packaging, transport packaging and e-commerce packaging, the proportion of empty space must not exceed 50%. Manufacturers and importers also need to make packaging lighter and less voluminous. The FBDi also draws attention to the legal obligations of economic operators, depending on their role in the supply chain. For example, packaging manufacturers must carry out conformity assessment procedures in accordance with the EU Packaging Regulation and are responsible for ensuring that their packaging meets all relevant requirements of the Regulation. However, unlike the EU Battery Regulation, there is no requirement for CE marking on packaging.
For further details please see: https://www.verpackungsgesetz.com/en/topics/the-new-european-packaging-regulation-eu-packaging-regulation-2025/


For almost 30 years, the European Packaging Directive 94/62/EC has regulated the placing on the market, return and recycling of packaging in the European Union. In Germany, it has been implemented by the German Packaging Act (VerpackG). The EU Packaging Regulation has now been published as the new EU-level packaging regulation, which aims to gradually reduce the volume of packaging and avoid or reduce packaging waste in EU countries. Specifically, the packaging reduction targets are 5% by 2039, 10% by 2035 and 15% by 2040. The EU Packaging Regulation is part of the European Green Deal and the new EU Circular Economy Action Plan and updates the EU legal framework on packaging and packaging waste. It aims to protect the environment, to counteract the throwaway mentality and to promote a circular economy.

Über Der FBDi e.V.

Fachverband der Bauelemente Distribution e.V. (www.fbdi.de):

Founded in 2003, FBDi e.V. is an established player in the German association landscape and bundles the interests of its members from the distribution sector, who represent around three quarters of the sales volume of electronic components in Central Europe (DACH). In doing so, it oversees the entire electronics value chain.

In addition to the preparation and further development of data on the Central European distribution market, competence teams on important regulatory topics in the electronics industry (including CE, directives and ordinances) generate a high level of market-related competence. This qualifies the FBDi as a sought-after partner for politics, electronics manufacturers and customers.

Through its membership in the international distribution association IDEA, the FBDi exchanges information with other associations at the European level.


Member companies (as per July 2024):

Regular members: Acal BFi Germany; AL-Elektronik Distribution; Arrow Europe; Avnet EMG EMEA; Beck Elektronische Bauelemente; Blume Elektronik Distribution; Bürklin Elektronik; CODICO; Conrad Electronic; DACOM WEST; Distrelec; Ecomal Europe; Endrich Bauelemente; EVE; Future Electronics Deutschland; Glyn; Gudeco Elektronik; Haug Components Holding; Hy-Line Holding; JIT electronic; Kruse Electronic Components; MB Electronic; MEDI Kabel; Memphis Electronic; Menges Electronic; MEV Elektronik Service; mewa electronic; Mouser Electronics; Multi-Bauelemente-Service mbs; Neumüller Elektronik; pk components; Püplichhuisen; RS Components; Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente; Schukat electronic; TTI Europe; WDI.

Supporting members: TDK Europe, Recom.


Information about FBDi:

Georg Steinberger, Chairman of the Board FBDi e.V.; georg_steinberger@yahoo.de; ph +49-151-40338672


Media contact:

Agentur Lorenzoni GmbH, Public Relations, Landshuter Str. 29, 85435 Erding;

ph: +49 8122  55917-0, www.lorenzoni.de; Beate Lorenzoni-Felber, beate@lorenzoni.de


Über uns

Klarheit, Kooperation und Können – das sind unsere Zutaten für Kompetenz: Klare und ehrliche Kommunikation, kooperative und partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit sowie ein kreatives und umsetzungsstarkes Team, das Dinge mit der Kundenbrille betrachtet. Genau das wissen unsere langjährigen Kunden zu schätzen.


Agentur Lorenzoni GmbH
Landshuter Straße 29
85435 Erding
Tel.: +49 8122 55917-0
Fax: +49 8122 55917-29
eMail: pr@lorenzoni.de

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